Another FUNNY comic : the upside down day

Once upon a time , in The Land of Somewhere , a queen called Gussie got a baby that she named Upsideowndadaynadoedaydeeupdowndaydee, that came from Gussies great great great great great great great great great grandmother who was called Upsidweeerfodslosdeeeodupsideeeeooodaree , which is an a fully long name like this sentence is very long too.
Since the name is very long , in this story we will call her Amanda. All the children laughed at Amanda .Amanda was always a sad girl . Gussie did not care .She was an evil queen. Gussie died when Amanda was only 3 years old . Her only friend was a girl called Tillalouihoujkjholiouffuiutuofoutis. She was very nice . On her 5th birthday , her friend T+ gave her a suprise . She made a day called the upsidedown day .
Everything was upsidedown . Now Upsideowndadaynadoedaydeeupdowndaydee was famou

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