Tina .

In the last post , we left Tina wondering how The other Tina knew her name .
The next chapter is ...............

Strange happenings

Then she heard a scream from somewhere . She went to her house to get her Finding out clothes . She ran into a boy with only one eye . The boy did not let her through . She asked him "Please move" but he just said " what's your name " .and let her through . When she reached home she realized that the same girl who said her name was Tina was eating some ice pops near her house and closing her eyes . She thought not to stop her resting time . So , she ran into to her backyard and ant took the shortcut to her room . Then suddenly , her house shook and her dog Scooby ran in . He never came in so it was really strange . Then he barked so hard her grandmother woke up from her nap and screamed just like the scream she had heard before in the street .

Going to continue............

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