Swella's magic recipe

Swella's grandmother Molly , had gave her a magic recipe before she died . She had never used it . One day she had the feeling to try it . On the paper it was written :

4 eggs ,10Brinjals , 5 carrots , and 11 potatoes .

She did not have any of those things . She looked in her map . First she had to go to Eggs n' roll. She took her speed boat because she had to go past the sea . She went really fast because the shop would close at 3 : 35 and it was already 3 : 33 . She reached just in time and bought the eggs . Then She went to Brinjals Rock and got 10 Brinjals . She had to go to a stinky garden to get the carrots . Last of all she went to get the potatoes from Potafingers . Then she rushed back home . She mixed it together as it said on the box . Swella tried tasting . It had no taste . But there was a taste of Brinjals , 20 Brinjals

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