LETS talk!!!!

Hello,today Rahema called me and opened talking doll and said are you coming as I was talking I saw my mothers mother,I said to her I need to see tv so can  you say just maybe,mayby,would.So she said that what I said .So I ate lunch rice and something I forgot .In the evening I called Rahema and said I am going down to play,are you coming she said?? yes ! so she came and waited ,but I did not go because my mom said you called her! and was angry .Then I thought I could come down again and mom said OK! so I  came down and there in the lobby   was Rahemas "grandmother she said to bring my mom.so I bringed her,Rahemas" grandmother called to talk with her.We started to play  and talk of course for my mom.

then Rahemas" dad came so she went back home.Then I saw prickely bugs all beside me.So.. I ran back home screaming. the end.ps.my mom does not belive me .Also she only deos not belive me a few times" only.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Darling there is no word "bringed" It brought...
Your style of narration is very nice. Sometime we big people forget what it was to be small and happy like you... Your blog helps me remember the joy of just being happy- just living life as it comes and when it comes. Thank you.